About Seattle Skills Center
Providing pathways to college, career, and life.
The Seattle Skills Center is committed to delivering advanced career and technical education for high school students. Courses offer high school credit, industry recognized certification, advanced learning, and college credit.
Programs are distributed throughout the city, not in a single building or location. Seattle Skills Center programs are located within Seattle Public Schools’ high schools and community-based sites.
Each program offers one- and two- year course offerings. A student that completes one year with the skills centers earns 3 full high school graduation credits. Several programs offer math and lab science graduation requirements as well.
These courses are driven by market demand, so Seattle Skills Center students are motivated to enter the workforce and prepare for college and careers.
Skills Center Photos

Every student, in every classroom, every day at the skills center is fully engaged in academic and hands-on learning, working toward their future.
Contact Us
2445 3rd Ave. S.
PO Box 34165
M/S 31-671
Seattle, WA 98124
Main Office: 206-252-0730
Hours: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Principal: Dan Golosman dpgolosman@seattleschools.org
Main Office: Administrative Team SkillsCenterInfo@seattleschools.org
Reasons to apply to Seattle Skills Center
- “Try out” a career field for free.
- Learn from industry professionals.
- Earn 1.5 high school credits per a semester (3 credits per year)
- Earn college credit for free, in many cases.
- Earn industry certification, when relevant.
- Increase confidence, interpersonal skills and leadership skills.
- Increase likelihood of graduating. (Skills Center participants graduate at a higher rate than non-participants.)
See our Summer course pages and School Year course pages course pages for a full list of locations and programs!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Skills Center Program?
Skills Centers are public schools offering technical and professional training. Classes are taught by teachers that are industry professionals in partnership with business and industry advisors.
Skills centers across the state of Washington are managed by one district and attract students from all neighboring districts. However, because of the geography and demographics of Seattle, we were able to start the Seattle Skills Center exclusively for Seattle Public School students.
Where are Seattle Skills Center programs held?
Programs are distributed throughout the city, not in a single building or location. Our programs are located within Seattle Public Schools high schools and community-based sites.
How many credits can students earn in a school year?
The Seattle Skills Center programs are 1.5 credits per semester, full year programs (3.0 credits) and meet daily.
How many credits can students earn during the Summer?
Students can earn .5 high school credit during the four week summer program. View Summer Classes.
Are there prerequisites to get into the Skills Center Programs?
There are no prerequisites for our courses. Some are recommended but not required. Please speak with your school counselor for more information, and to confirm that the Skills Center class fits in your graduation plan. Visit our programs webpage for details.
How long are classes?
Skills Center classes are typically 2.5 hours daily.
- Visit our school year course listing for more information.
- Visit our summer course listing for more information.
How much does it cost?
Classes are free of cost to all Seattle Public Schools students