Skills Center

Seattle Skills Center

Get Involved

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities to support our students! If you represent a local business, industry, or other entity, please contact us to explore how we might collaborate to create learning or work opportunities for Seattle students.

Examples of support from business and industry may include:

Students standing in dentist office simulation classroom practicing bedside manner skills
  • Hosting student internship opportunities
  • Providing instructors for Skills Center courses
  • Providing equipment or a site for hosting a course or course activities
  • Setting up a hiring/interview process for Skills Center students

Donate to Seattle Skills Center!

Unable to volunteer or host a student? Make a donation to Seattle Skills Center’s Self Help Fund!

To discuss student internship opportunities please contact:

Karina Luboff
CTE Internships and Career Connected Learning Coordinator


For all other inquiries, please contact:

Dan Golosman
Seattle Skills Center

Jennifer Toth
Seattle Skills Center
Administrative Secretary and Registrar